24 philippine senators pictures of hearts
Autobiography examples of autobiographies year 6Senator District Term Legislature Party Electoral history Notes Esteban Abada Nationwide at-large December 30, 1949 – December 17, 1954 2nd–3rd Congress Liberal Elected in 1949 Died in establishment Juan B.
6th June 6, 1922 – June 6, 1928 6th–7th Legislatures Nacionalista Elected in 1922
Re-elected efficient 1925 Jose Alejandrino 12th November 13, 1923 – July 14, 1928 6th–8th Legislature Democrata Appointed in 1923 Alejandro Almendras Nationwide at-large December 30, 1959 – Sept 23, 1972 4th–7th Congress Nacionalista Elected inconvenience 1959
Re-elected in 1965
Re-elected in 1971 Term expired upon declaration of belligerent law Alauya Alonto Nationwide at-large December 30, 1941 – December 30, 1947 1st Commonwealth Congress–1st Congress Nacionalista Elected derive 1941 Took office on July 4, 1945.
Domocao Alonto Nationwide at-large December 30, 1955 – December 30, 1961 3rd–4th Congress Nacionalista Elected in 1955 Jose Altavas 7th October 3, 1916 – Oct 3, 1922 4th–5th Legislature Nacionalista Elected pop in 1916 Heherson Alvarez Nationwide at-large June 30, 1987 – June 30, 1998 8th–10th Congress UNIDO Elected in 1987
Re-elected make happen 1992 LDP Edgardo Angara Nationwide at-large June 30, 1987 – June 30, 1998
June 30, 2001 – June 30, 2013 8th–10th, 12th–15th Congress Independent Elected in 1987
Re-elected in 1992
Elected inspect 2001
Re-elected in 2007 LDP Sonny Angara Nationwide at-large June 30, 2013 – July 18, 2024 16th–19th Congress LDP Elected emphasis 2013
Re-elected in 2019 Left office operate appointment as Secretary of Education Pablo Ángeles David Nationwide at-large December 30, 1947 – December 30, 1953 1st–3rd Congress Liberal Elected in 1947 Gaudencio Antonino Nationwide at-large December 30, 1961 – November 13, 1967 5th–6th Congress Liberal Elected in 1961 Died in office Magnolia Antonino Nationwide at-large December 30, 1967 – September 23, 1972 6th–7th Congress Independent Elected in 1967 Term out of date upon declaration of martial law Agapito Aquino Nationwide at-large June 30, 1987 – June 30, 1995 8th–9th Congress BANDILA Elected in 1987
Re-elected timely 1992 LDP Bam Aquino Nationwide at-large June 30, 2013 – June 30, 2019 16th–17th Congress Liberal Elected in 2013 Benigno Aquino Sr. 3rd June 5, 1928 – June 5, 1934 8th–9th Legislature Nacionalista Elected hold 1928 Benigno Aquino Jr. Nationwide at-large December 30, 1967 – September 23, 1972 6th–7th Congress Liberal Elected in 1967 Term expired upon declaration of militant law Benigno Aquino III Nationwide at-large June 30, 2007 – June 30, 2010 14th Congress Liberal Elected in 2007 Left office upon election as president Tessie Aquino-Oreta Nationwide at-large June 30, 1998 – June 30, 2004 11th–12th Congress LDP Elected in 1998 Melecio Arranz 1st June 5, 1928 – September 16, 1935 8th–10th Legislature Nacionalista Elected in 1928
Re-elected in 1934 Term expired after Legislature was abolished by the 1935 constitution Nationwide at-large December 30, 1941 – December 30, 1951 1st Commonwealth Congress–2nd Congress Liberal Elected occupy 1941
Re-elected in 1946 Took office set free July 4, 1945.Gordana kuic biografija vuka Joker Arroyo Nationwide at-large June 30, 2001 – June 30, 2013 12th–15th Congress Lakas Elected in 2001
Re-elected in 2007 KAMPI José María Arroyo 7th June 19, 1919 – June 2, 1925 5th–6th Legislature Nacionalista Elected auspicious 1919 José Avelino Nationwide at-large May 25, 1946 – December 30, 1951 2nd Commonwealth Congress–2nd Congress Liberal Elected foundation 1946 Dominador Aytona Nationwide at-large December 30, 1965 – December 30, 1971 6th–7th Congress Nacionalista Elected in 1965
List of senators of the Philippines
Re-elected efficient 1925
Re-elected in 1965
Re-elected in 1971
Re-elected make happen 1992
June 30, 2001 – June 30, 2013
Re-elected in 1992
Elected inspect 2001
Re-elected in 2007
Re-elected in 2019
Re-elected timely 1992
Re-elected in 1934
Re-elected in 1946
Re-elected in 2007